The Babe Said it Best

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“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” – Babe Ruth

While the Babe’s advice on teamwork is certainly relevant on the field, it’s not limited to the ballpark. Consider the gentleman’s wardrobe: a closet full of classics is just a closet full of clothes, but learning how to have them work together is the key to building a valuable wardrobe.

While we’re all enamored with All-Star players, we often forget about the consistent players. It’s the players who get on base that win games.  The wardrobe is no different.  Having a big hitting suit in a bolder color or pattern will certainly be a distinguishable look, but it’s not one that can get up to bat often.  The fact that is memorable means it won’t be getting much field time between big games.

Having your well-rounded players that work well together will build your franchise.  While there is nothing overtly exciting about a navy, black, or charcoal suit, they’re the ones that get you through the week.  Assemble a team of basics, and then begin scouting for more remarkable talent.

Lastly, be sure to know your position well.  If you’re uncomfortable in pinstripes, you’re unlikely to wear them often. Understanding your own style is the first step in understanding your wardrobe.  Try a few different styles to figure out where you’re most comfortable, and build upon that.  Before you know it, you’ll be one of the greats.

Sonny BalaniThe Babe Said it Best
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